Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Word of Wisdom from Hillary Clinton

"A society that denies and demeans women's rights and roles is a society that is more likely to engage in behavior that is negative, anti-democratic, and leads to violence and extremism."
~Hillary Clinton speaking to PPFA

Finally! Something said by Clinton that I can actually agree with!

Our society has denied and demeaned a woman's right and role as mother in many negative, anti-democratic, violent, and extreme ways! By trying to claim "equality" with men, women have denied themselves one of their most beautiful and unique aspects of life.

Look at Mary, the Mother of God and greatest of all creatures. Why was she the greatest of all creations? Because she was given the honor of Mother of God. The greatest creature is a mother and because she is a mother! How much better can you get???

We now live in a society where women are told that being a mother isn't good enough. They need careers and "choice." This has resulted in the extremely negative and violent destruction of over 50 million human beings in America. This attitude has taken away the "unalienable right to life", which is explicitly stated in our Declaration of Independence. Democratic? I think not. This extremist attitude of women's rights has replaced one extreme (that women could be nothing but mothers) with another (that women should be anything but mothers).

However, when you look at the many different aspects of a stay-at-home mom, I must wonder how that is not a career by anyone's standards. A mother is a caregiver, a cook, a housekeeper, a chauffeur, an educator, and a nurse, amongst many, many other things. How can it be that being a mother is not good enough? If being a mother is not good enough for women, what is?

Thank you, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for pointing this out to us.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 41

Is this over? No way! We will continue to fight as long as there is destruction of innocent human life! Keep going! Next 40 Days for Life campaign begins on September 23!

God Bless you for your efforts during the Spring 09 40 Days for Life!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 40

On this final day of the 40 Days for Life, I would like to extend a thank you to all those who participated in the 40 Days. Even a short "Hail Mary" joins you to the rest of us praying and sacrificing for an end to abortion! Thank you so much for the love you have displayed for your fellow human beings!!!

368 babies!


God Bless!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 39

Life...is such a beautiful thing. Really, I cannot begin to fathom how someone can destroy or throw away life. What makes a person act in such a way? I believe it is a lack of the presence of love. Love conquers all, and as we have seen with Christ dying for us, love conquers death. Therefore, in order to win this battle for life, we must conquer death...through love. Always, always through love!

355 babies!


God Bless!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 38

The devotional touches on the topic of those people who refuse to acknowledge that the unborn are persons who belong to God. In our extremely selfish and liberal society, many people are fighting for abortion in the name of choice. "It's her body," "It's her choice," etc. What they ignore is the beauty and uniqueness of that infant. That infant is not the mother, that infant is its own being. Also, many women do not have abortions so that they can exercise choice...they have abortions because they feel that they have NO CHOICE. Please pray for all those who do not believe the unborn to be people!

325 babies!


God Bless!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 37

Because of your prayers and sacrifices, 314 babies now have a shot at life. 314 individuals will enter this world and grow up to (hopefully) help others and spread the pro-life message.


God Bless!

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 36

For those involved in the prolife ministry, that they may recognize WHY they fight for life. May they truly see the dignity of every human person and the love written on the hearts of all mankind.


PS...sorry for not posting this yesterday...our computer was down.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring 09 40 days for Life: Day 35

It is so inspiring to read stories of how babies have been saved! I encourage you to check out today's 40 Days for Life blog post to read the stories of two beautiful babies!

297 babies!


God Bless!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring 09 40 days for Life: Day 34

God is just. Despite the many injustices that occur throughout the world, ultimate justice will prevail. Thus, we pray for the abortionists and supports of abortion that they may recognize God's justice and repent in this life, so that they may not spend eternity suffering for their sins.
295 babies!


God Bless!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring 09 40 Days for Life: Day 33

Please pray for those in my town. Last night, we had a tornado go through and it even devastated some homes. Our house and property are ok (we even have our power back already!), but I am unsure of how our neighbors are. This is a great reminder of how we never know when our time has come, and thus we must always be prepared for death. Let us always have love in our hearts!

292 babies!


God Bless!

About Me

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Crazy Catholic homeschooled high school senior who loves blogging and spreading the pro-life message.